Monday night was the annual Pinewood Derby Races. This was our first experience with this and let me just say some of these people take it VERY serious (all in the name of fun I'm sure). I must say that I am very proud of Bob. He did not get too crazy this year even though I know that he wanted to. Noah did very well. He won all three of his races. His car is the blue one closest to him. He also did great in his interview - - Yes they even have to go through an interview process of how they built their car. The only problem he had was that he takes everything so seriously. I told Bob he was going to have an ulcer before the end of the night. He was just "so worried" about everything. I think next year might be better since he will know what to expect. I think he really enjoyed himself though. This coming Monday is Blue & Gold Banquet so I will have more Cub Scout pictures then to share.
I am off to check on my sick boy. Avery went to bed last night with a "tummy ache" which we didn't take too seriously because it was more of a "I don't want to eat my supper ache". This morning she laid around for about two hours, but seems to be doing better. Now Noah is sick with a "tummy ache" and has been laying in the tub for about an hour . . . so we will see. Have a great weekend everyone.Lisa