This statement is definitely our son lately. Last Thursday while Avery went to Silver Dollar City with her friend Joy - I decided to have a "date" with my son. We hit every place that would POSSIBLY even have anything that looked like a train. I found a train hobby shop . . . . what was I thinking ! ! ! ! It was a dirty - clunky - no rhyme or reason type of place and he LOVED it. They had antique toy trains - new trains - broken trains - everything. It was a little boy's dream land. Ever since that time he has been plotting and planning his perfect train layout. What size of trains to start collecting - N - HO - O ???????
We have watched COUNTLESS youtube videos about train layouts and designs. He is completely hooked. But in it all we gently remind him that these "things" can quickly become idols. That sometimes we desire and seek after, even our dreams, and forsake God and His desires for our lives. We believe there is nothing wrong with having hobbies - yet we also want Noah to be able to balance and see that in the scope of this life whether he builds THE train layout or not - he should be desiring to help build God's eternal kingdom, which so far he seems to be able to keep in persepective . . . . most of the time :-)
So this is how he fell asleep last night. Making his supply list and figuring out what he will need to build his layout . . . .oh and where is he going to build his trainland . . . well I might . . . just a little hinted to him that just maybe . . . . perhaps . . . there's a slight possibility that he could talk Daddy into giving him a small portion of the garage - oh the seeds that I plant - Do I really know what I am doing?
I pray that you all had a relaxing Memorial Day Weekend. We actually did not know that Bob would be getting Monday off - so it was a nice surprise. We ran errands in the morning and then just hung out at home together. It has been a LONG time since we did not have any place to be or anything that needed to be done. Avery got in some much needed snuggle time with her Daddy. It is so funny because the kids are both into the stage where they love wearing Bob's t-shirts as their night shirts. It is just one of those strange little things that brings a smile to my face when I see them like that.
Well today is the day that I am making myself get back on track and start exercising again - so I am going to post one other thing and then I am off to Walk-Away-The-Pounds.
Bring me joy, bring me peace Bring the chance to be free Bring me anything that brings You glory And I know there will be days When this life brings me pain But if that's what it takes to praise You Jesus, bring the rain
I am yours regardless of the clouds that may loom above because you are much greater than my pain you who made a way for me suffering your destiny so tell me whats a little rain
You see God reminded me once again - it is not about me - it is ALL about HIM . . . am I tired? am I weary? Yes . . . but God is greater than my weariness - we must constantly push forward to bring HIM glory. Sometimes I just need to be reminded of that - even if it comes in the form on a song driving down West Bypass in Springfield, MO. God is truly SO good. I do not deserve his mercy or grace and yet He continually provides both for me.
For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Psalm 30:5
Well it took me FOREVER to get this done today. I tried to follow the directions I found in a book, but they were impossible. I tried two different test samples and I could not get either one to work like they were showing . . . . so I jumped online and found a few other tutorials and patterns and after combining a few and changing some things around - I ended up with this.
This actually worked up rather quickly after I got everything lined up and figured out. I bought fabric to do another one - so I think I will work on that one this week as well.
(Noah and his best buddy Lewis) This past Friday Noah had his Crossover Ceremony. This is where the boys "crossover" into the next phase of their journey to become boyscouts. He has one more rank to make before becoming a boys scout and that is the rank of Webelos. (We'll Be Loyal Scouts). This is an 18 month section -so he will basically have almost two more years in cub scouts. Each boy must cross over the bridge with each of the scouting laws written on the planks. A Scout is . . . Trustworthy Loyal Helpful Friendly Courteous Kind Obedient Cheerful Thrifty Brave Clean Reverent
I see so many of these qualities in Noah already. He has such a heart for God and people. He humbles Bob and I daily with his love for those around him - total strangers on the street he is burdened to witness to and share God with them. Noah is growing into a fine young man and we are so blessed to be his parents. It is a true joy to watch him lead and serve those around him. As you look over the list of qualities a scout should have - remember Christ expects nothing less from us - it is a wonderful lesson for all of us to learn and take with us throughout our daily life.
Please listen carefully to the words of this song . . . they speak volumes to marriages today. May each of us be daily on our knees pleading protection over our marriage. No matter how good you think your marriage may be - Satan is real and his intentions are real - he desires to destroy the Christian home and that begins with destroying the foundation of marriage and what God has ordained marriage to be. We wonder why "churches" are changing today . . . let us look not to the praise music or the numbers, but at the foundation of the families. God cares for your marriage -cry out to Him for guidance - leadership - a changed heart - love - joy - mercy - grace. He will listen.
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. II Chronicles 7:14
Have you ever wondered where today will take you? Why God chose you to be here at this particular time - why so many things in this world go wrong and yet God is still so much ALIVE. Sometimes I do - Please don't get me wrong, I'm not questioning God - believe me that is one lesson I think I have begun to learn. Sometimes I just wonder if I am meeting God's expectations of me. Do I praise Him enough? Do I rejoice enough? Do I share my faith to others enough? Is there more that I need to do? Just Questions . . . . Today has been one of those where I am anxious and nervous because I know that there are changes coming to our lives . . . . there are decisions that we are praying over - decisions that we ourselves do not fully understand but we know that we must take a step back and say "God this is your day - this is your time - I am YOUR servant" - and then trusting Him with literally our lives. Maybe that is what He is wanting - not that we meet some great expectations that we have created in our minds, but simply just to be waiting and ready for Him.
Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. Psalm 27:14
Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day. Psalm 25:5
I pray that each of us will reach out to God and trust Him not only for our needs, but for His desires in our lives.
OK - there is a WHOLE story about exercising and Weight Watchers in our family. The kids know a lot about health and Weight Watchers because they would go with me every week to the meetings when I went. So Noah is constantly asking me "is this healthy" - or "I think I have worked off some grams". Too funny right . . . well Avery is now talking about her "candy belly" because I told them that too much sugar is not good for her (wish I would remember that). . .
Fast forward to two days ago and this is the scene in my house.
Working out to Walk Away the Pounds. They absolutely LOVE this video. Well I decided to buy them their own workout tape (for kids) and include it in our school day. Now if we could only get back to eating better . . . but that is coming much to Avery's dismay she doesn't like the "healthy stuff".
Have a great day everyone and enjoy what God has given you - Lisa
The kiddos decided to try their hand at sidewalk chalk . . . and this was their masterpiece. Sorry about the pictures - The sun was coming through the trees so it was a little difficult to photograph.
It is amazing how chalk in the hands of two children can turn a piece of "yucky" concrete into something so BEAUTIFUL. I am so thankful that both of our children LOVE to create. Unfortunately our "little" storm washed it all away - but that is part of the fun - getting to create something new again.
The kids decided it would be fun to play dress-up. So I made Noah a doctor's mask and Avery a nurse's cap. They set Avery's bedroom up as the "clinic" - it was actually called "Nursing Home Southern" . . . why you might ask - I asked the same question.
Mom: "Southern? What do you mean Southern?" Noah: "You know mom, like Cox South." Mom: (with a grin on her face) "Oh I see."
Why a nursing home you might ask . . . . well because that is where Grandma Allen works. See it all makes sense to the minds of an 8 year old and 6 year old.
It amazes me at how quickly time really does go by - especially with children. Over the past year I have watched as my little girl has started down the road of life to becoming a young lady. Oh don't get me wrong - I know that she has far to go, but she has grown beyond baby . . . past toddler . . . and is now ever so slowly moving past being a little girl. . .
I watch in amazement at how God is turning her heart toward him. She is beginning to understand that life is bigger than herself . . . she is seeing the needs of those around her . . .
I often wonder where God will lead her in her life. What she will become - Sometimes I still watch her breath at night like when she was my 8 pound baby . . . just enjoying the beauty that God has placed in our lives . . . and for a brief moment I want it all back - the complete dependence on me - the tiny and unsure movements of the smallest hands - the cry of hunger - and then I remember what a privilege I have to see before me one of God's most miraculous creations - - - My Little Girl growing into a wonderful Young Lady. What an honor it is to help mold and train her along her journey.
Thank you Heavenly Father for such a wonderful opportunity to be her "Mommy".