Grace On Rainbow

Monday, May 4, 2009

Little Girl . . .

It amazes me at how quickly time really does go by - especially with children. Over the past year I have watched as my little girl has started down the road of life to becoming a young lady. Oh don't get me wrong - I know that she has far to go, but she has grown beyond baby . . . past toddler . . . and is now ever so slowly moving past being a little girl. . .

I watch in amazement at how God is turning her heart toward him. She is beginning to understand that life is bigger than herself . . . she is seeing the needs of those around her . . .

I often wonder where God will lead her in her life. What she will become - Sometimes I still watch her breath at night like when she was my 8 pound baby . . . just enjoying the beauty that God has placed in our lives . . . and for a brief moment I want it all back - the complete dependence on me - the tiny and unsure movements of the smallest hands - the cry of hunger - and then I remember what a privilege I have to see before me one of God's most miraculous creations - - - My Little Girl growing into a wonderful Young Lady. What an honor it is to help mold and train her along her journey.
Thank you Heavenly Father for such a wonderful opportunity to be her "Mommy".