Grace On Rainbow

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Life Changes Once Again . . .

This past year has been a great journey for our family and to me personally. God has shown me areas in my personal and spiritual life that I was holding onto and would not release to Him. Areas of anger, disappointment, fear, selfishness . . . areas that I alone wanted to be in control of, but quickly realized the more I tried to control the more out of control I felt.

Today marks yet another season in our lives. Today we officially closed our fostering license. We have been praying about where God would lead us next for several months - wondering if He would open the doors for more children - if we were to just look at adoption - if we were to be involved in other areas within this ministry? The questions seemed to continue to pile up and I was once again trying to rely on my own judgement and reasoning for the answers. Then over the past couple weeks God has brought different situations in our lives to reassure us that for this time in our life, we need to focus on serving Him through the families of our church and through our own children. By allowing Him to direct us in this decision . . . I have complete peace. I know that no matter what happens in this life, I can always turn to God for direction and strength.

We are so blessed to be able to still be a part of our little guys' lives and the life of their mother. It truly is an amazing thing to look back and see God's hand at work in our lives and in theirs.

So with all of this comes yet another path to walk with God and for me to trust completely in His plan for my life and the lives of my family. I cannot say that it was an easy decision to make, but I am thankful beyond words that He has allowed it to be a peaceful decision.

In His Service,