Grace On Rainbow

Friday, July 10, 2009

Projects I finished this week

So the kiddos have been gone to Marshfield this week and I decided it was time to finish up some projects - here are a few of the ones I finished and actually took photos of . . .

The first photo is of my fabric . . . all neat and stacked up so pretty. I found a tutorial on how to do this (see link below). The only thing I did differently was instead of folding my pieces (except for the larger pieces) in half I folded them in thirds so I could get two deep on my shelf. Everything ends up being the same size and fits great.

This is the white cabinet I have for all my "crafty" things in our front room. I debated and debated what I was going to do . . . should I keep it . . . should I stop crafting . . . should I sell the furniture . . . should I . . . should I . . . should I. . . Finally with the help of my dear husband we just decided to leave things as they are and see what happens this next year. But I HAD to organize and clean out if it all was to stay -so here it is pretty much done except for all my ribbon that will go in the emptyish (I know not a word but it works) spot after I get it all wound on "bobbins" and put in the drawers.
This is a bag that I crocheted for Avery years and years ago (okay not that long ago) but it has been a few months ago. Matter of fact when my mom was here last she had pity on me and crocheted one of the straps for me. Well I finally got the straps sewn on and the felt flowers cut out and attached.

Yet another started project. I decided that I really do enjoy crocheting again. Bob asked me the other night if it was wrong to be jealous of my twittaling (that is what he calls it) I just think that if I am sitting down - wherever that might be - I might as well be doing something.

Well here are a couple of baby washclothes I worked up for gifts. I also made a few for the house here too, but of course I didn't get pictures of those.

I had this tiered basket sitting around from the craft show I did last December - so I thought it might as well be making itself useful. So I wound up some balls of yarn and stuck it next to the piano - it works for now but we'll see.
Well that is all I got for now. I think I might actually be caught up on posting to the blog - maybe this will put me back in the good graces of my father-in-law who gave me a hard time about not keeping up with the blog. . . yet again (but I know he only missing me and misses reading my words of wisdom - what can I say he only has one daughter-in-law so he's stuck with me).
Have a great day everyone - Lisa